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Best Seo PPC Services provider Georgia

  • What is digital marketing?
    Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication. This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.
  • What is a digital channel?
    A digital channel is a platform or channel you access via an internet-connected device. Common digital marketing channels include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Search (often referred to as SEM or PPC), Social Media, Email Marketing, Display Advertising, and more.
  • Would my company benefit from digital marketing?
    YES. You don’t have to replace your traditional marketing efforts with digital ones, but it is 2022 and if the word digital doesn’t come into your marketing strategy then your business will not thrive. It really is as simple as that.
  • Is email marketing still effective?
    Definitely! You should never assume that because social media has become so hugely popular, it’s enough to solely focus on your digital marketing strategy on social platforms. There are more active email accounts than active accounts on any social media in the world. Email marketing is more private and often feels more personal to the consumer. Most people are consistently tuned into their email, checking it multiple times a day and constantly seeing notifications appear on their mobiles, laptops, and tablets.
  • How long should my email campaigns be?
    There is no right or wrong length for an email. If you are sharing a monthly newsletter, this is a great opportunity to share a variety of content, including announcements, upcoming events, or other important information. Businesses can also take advantage of the one-column format to share a single piece of content. This minimalist format is highly readable and aesthetically pleasing, which is to capture the attention of the viewer. One-column emails are perfect for sharing a blog or event invitation.
  • Do I really need a website?
    Yes! Word of mouth can be great, but a majority of consumers find and research companies online before making any purchases. An online presence gives your company credibility and boosts brand awareness. Plus, websites are an avenue for endless marketing strategies, including e-commerce, online customer service, and consumer engagement.
  • What is the difference between digital marketing and digital advertising?
    Digital marketing allows businesses to raise brand awareness, share information about products, engage with the audience, and monitor online reputation. Digital advertising allows businesses to advertise and promote products, offer discounts or specials, and attract buying customers. Simply put, digital marketing establishes a target consumer audience while digital advertising drives this audience to sales.
  • What is email marketing?
    Email marketing involves using email messages to communicate with consumers about your brand’s products, services, special offers, news, and more. A consistent email marketing strategy allows brands to stay in contact with their consumers between purchases in order to keep them updated and engaged. Emails are also a great way for brands to build a nurturing relationship with leads and convert them into paying customers.
  • Does my company need a blog? Do I need a blog?
    Blogs give you an easy way to stay in front of your target market. Publishing to blogs allows you to exercise your voice on industry topics and also post How-To content to help solve problems. While not required on your website, blogs are a great idea.
  • How do I measure digital marketing ROI?
    It’s essential to measure all digital marketing platforms, tools, and initiatives. The most trusted source to measure digital marketing is Google Analytics. Trusted by all marketers, Google Analytics provides a way to measure all things marketing. To measure marketing ROI, it is essential to understand your marketing goals and costs. From there, it’s simple math to extract the metrics from the inherent cost to derive your ROI.
  • Why digital marketing is better than traditional marketing?
    Both traditional and digital practices share similar objectives, i.e. attracting potential customers and creating brand awareness in the market. With the evolution of digital technology, digital marketing continues to advance as well. It includes websites, social media mentions, YouTube videos, banner ads, and much more. In short, digital marketing is somehow similar to traditional advertising, but it makes use of digital devices. Traditional marketing has become less popular nowadays yet, it is here to stay till magazines, newspapers, and television are surrounding our world.
  • So, what’s included in a successful digital marketing strategy?
    : It all starts with your website. If you want to succeed in the digital sphere, you need to have a great website. It should load fast, impress visitors, and let them know what your brand is all about the inside of a few seconds. From there, an effective digital marketing strategy ideally includes: Search engine optimization (SEO) Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) Content marketing Social media marketing Email marketing However, it’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for digital marketing. While every business can benefit from all of the above, some approaches may be more or less effective for certain organizations and industries. For example, one business may see tremendous success with PPC, whereas another is better off focusing on content marketing and email. It’s all about designing a strategy that fits the unique situation of your organization and supports your business objectives.
  • How long until I start seeing results?
    Success in digital marketing takes time, but if everything is done correctly then you should start seeing results in three to six months’ time. If you don’t see results after six months with an agency or your internal marketing team, it’s fair to say that you’re either not getting the best ROI or you’re facing challenges beyond digital marketing. However, digital marketing does have the advantage of being “faster” than traditional marketing efforts. As a result, our clients often start seeing results in as little as three months after the launch of a new website and ad campaigns.
  • Why should businesses invest in digital marketing?
    This question often comes from well-established businesses who have reliably turned a strong profit for years or even decades. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? The fact of the matter is that if you’re not offering a strong digital presence and promoting your services or products online, you’re limiting your growth potential.  It doesn’t matter how much revenue you get from word-of-mouth, referrals, and cold calls. You are losing out by not playing the digital game. In this hyper reconnected, 24/7 digital world, your prospects and potential clients are constantly learning about and engaging with businesses online. Digital marketing is about building a brand and enticing those prospects to come to you, not your competitors.
  • Why work with an agency?
    We’re strong believers in the idea that businesses should focus on doing what they do best. If you’re reading this page, we’ll hazard a guess that marketing is probably not your core offering. By working with a proven agency, you get to leverage a team of marketing experts with a track record of results. Sure, you could build your own internal team. But if you’ve been in business for any length of time, you know that building an effective team and achieving results with a new process is much easier said than done. The right agency will be your partner in branding, marketing, and advertising. They’ll operate as a part of your team, helping to drive revenue and achieve your business goals with greater efficiency.
  • Do I really need Internet marketing?
    Yes. Today’s consumers are online, and if you’re not there for them, you run the risk of becoming obsolete.  Traditionalists may want to stick to marketing in print publications, through direct mail, and/or via billboards, but it’s a dangerous decision. To compete in today’s world, you simply have to be a part of the Internet, and that includes Internet marketing. Whether you choose to work with an agency or take a more DIY approach, you should (at the very least) maintain a website with basic information and ways to contact you.
  • What channels do you work with?
    We work across 6 core channels, SEO, PPC, Paid Social, Email Marketing, Content, and Display. We have dedicated teams across all 6 channels.
  • What is your digital marketing campaign execution process?
    Our high-level process of executing a digital marketing campaign includes the following 6 steps: Assess, Plan, Build, Drive, Optimize, and Grow. Assess: In the Assess Stage, we will assess your current digital marketing performance to establish a benchmark and get an understanding of KPIs such as: Monthly Website Visits Visit-to-Lead Conversion/Sale Percentage Lead-to-Opportunity Conversion Percentage Opportunity-to-Customer Conversion Percentage Average Initial Order Value (IOV) Average Lifetime Value (LTV) Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA) Number of Customers You're Currently Generating from Digital Efforts Number of Customers You Need to Generate to Achieve Growth Objectives Additionally, you'll want to answer the following questions: What is our company and marketing department trying to accomplish in the next 12-24 months? What important milestones do we have to hit to meet our goals? What are we currently struggling with? What specific problems do we solve better than anyone else? Which target audiences care most about those problems? In looking at our metrics, where is our growth bottleneck? Is our digital platform (website, social, automation, etc.) ready to support our digital marketing efforts and, if not, what's lacking? Plan Now that there is a baseline understanding of your current digital marketing performance, we'll move into the Plan Stage where we will collaborate on, research, and define the following: Discovery — a deeper dive into your brand's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, competitors, etc. Targeting Strategy — the top buyer personas you're after and where to reach them online. Overarching Content Strategy — the overarching content funnel needed to engage your targeted buyer personas so they naturally move from one relationship level to the next. Traffic Strategy — where and how we'll distribute content (through organic and paid methods) to make sure that your content is optimally placed in front of your targeted buyer personas. Lead Generation Strategy — specific premium content and resources needed to convert buyer personas into leads in your database. Lead Nurturing and Marketing Automation Strategy — the specific content and automation needed to nurture leads into opportunities/sales. Measurement & Reporting Protocol — define the metrics that matter, how we're going to measure those metrics, and how we're going to report on those metrics. Technology Requirements — define the technologies needed to empower the strategies defined above. Logistics — define which team (client vs. agency) is responsible for what, follow-up action items, setting regular meeting rhythms, etc. Build In the Build Stage, we'll build the foundation needed to empower your digital marketing program. This includes: Landing Page Templates Email Templates Digital Marketing Dashboard Marketing Automation Funnel Lead Generation Offers Website Optimization Ad Platforms NOTE: The Assess, Plan, and Build stages will only need to be executed once. These stages have a finite "project" period of 45-60 days. Once complete, we'll move into a monthly "service" period that includes the Drive, Optimize, and Grow stages below. Drive In the Drive Phase, based on your growth objectives, resources, and budget, we'll drive visits and engagement using some or all of the following methods: Email Newsletters/Blasts Paid Traffic Online PR/social media Content/SEO These methods are listed in priority order with the top methods driving visits and engagement much faster than the bottom methods. Optimize Hand-in-hand with the Drive activities, we'll Optimize your digital marketing program for maximum performance which includes: Reporting & Coaching Lead Generation Offer Optimization (CTAs, Landing/Thank You Pages) Ad Performance Optimization CRO (conversion rate optimization) Grow Once your program is up-and-running, we'll strategize additional content and offers to engage existing and/or new buyer personas which include: Consulting on Program Growth Targeted Lead Generation Offers and Related Assets Content and Features to Support Buyers’ Journeys
  • Do you work with clients who are out of state or in another country?
    Yes, we work with clients all across the US and beyond.
  • Why should I use social media?
    Let’s face it: the world’s gone social. In fact, 30% of all time (and counting) spent online is allocated to social media. If you want to get in front of people, social media is the way to do it. Whether you’re interested in brand awareness, sponsored content, or a combination of both, we can help!
  • What social platforms should I use?
    The short answer: it depends. While Facebook is a great starting point, we like to get to know each client on an individual basis. Because every brand is unique, deciding which platform(s) to spend time on relies on factors like where your audience is, what products and/or services your business provides, and the goals you wish to achieve.
  • What's the difference between an ad and a post on social?
    A post is a content you share on social media for your followers to see organically. An ad is a paid post to target an audience outside of your followers based on demographics and interests. Because most social media algorithms limit the number of followers who see your business' content organically, we recommend promoting important or relevant posts to guarantee more people will see them. Another great indicator of a post that should be promoted is one that performs well organically. If it's doing well on its own, putting money behind it will increase its reach.
  • How much should I be spending on social media marketing?
    It’s difficult to put an exact number on what your social media marketing budget should be, but there are some limitations on certain platforms. For example, you need to spend at least $10 each day you advertise on Facebook. We don’t put ad spend behind everything we release on social channels, but when we do, we put at least $25 behind our content. Obviously, more spending will usually get you more results, but a little can go a long way. We recommend starting with a lower budget and testing ads to see what works best for your brand.
  • Which social media platform should I use to promote my business?
    While the natural assumption is that you should be on all the popular platforms, this can be counterproductive if not executed with a strategy. Instead, focus on a couple of platforms that are highly popular among your target audience. So, the best platforms to use will vary for each business. Check out our guide on how to choose the best social media channels for your business.
  • How can I get more followers on social media?
    Growing your social media following involves a lot of planning and strategizing as well as posting the right content and targeting the right audience.
  • Should my business be on social media?
    If your customers or prospects use social then this is a channel you should seriously consider. How are you going to connect with and communicate to your perfect buyer persona if you aren’t on the very platforms they are using?
  • I don’t have a lot of likes/followers/subscribers on social media, will this affect my business digital marketing?
    Not necessarily. Unless your goal is to increase organic traffic to your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/LinkedIn page, then it is highly unlikely that you will generate enough likes to have an enormous reach like some big brands do. Utilizing paid search and being active in niche groups will increase the likelihood of your message landing in front of your target persona regardless of if they interact with your page.
  • How is your social media service unique to those offered by other agencies?
    When we take on a social media project for a client, we invest ourselves in their social presence. Each project is an opportunity to test the skills our professionals have been developing for years. We take the time to research each brand we represent to understand who they are, what sets them apart from their competition, and who their core audience is. We then identify the best methods of communicating with that audience through social media in order to drive the right type of engagement, leading to the highest possible sales conversions for their campaign.
  • Why is hiring an agency better than hiring someone in-house?
    The primary benefit to having an agency manage your social media campaign is experience. By focusing specifically on social media, agencies have the ability to stay up-to-date on current trends, tools, advertising strategies, and platform changes, and know all of the ins and outs of the various intricacies of social media. 
  • Will social media work for my business?
    Yes. Social media works for every company. Social media allows one-to-one brand-buyer relationships to be developed and maintained like no other advertising channel.  Furthermore, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are equipped with some of the largest audiences and most advanced analytics data in the world. You can identify your target audience on a hyper-granular level to provide timely, personalized, custom experiences with your brand that will drive long-term brand awareness and engagement.
  • What is SEO?
    Search Engine Optimization is the practice of ranking a website on the search engines to increase its visibility when users search for relevant keywords and queries.
  • Does My Business Need SEO?
    Yes, your business should be investing in SEO. Search engine optimization offers a way to increase traffic without paying for each and every click. If you're ignoring SEO, your competitors are enjoying this traffic. Most businesses cannot ignore the importance of SEO. No matter what type of company you are, whether you're a local business, sell online, or are a global enterprise, you need to be paying attention to your SEO strategy.
  • How Long Does It Take to Rank on Google?
    Somewhere between three months to six months, but this is very much based on the level of resources you allocate to your strategy, the level of competition, and what others who compete for the same queries are doing. It might only take a few months to rank for a local term (e.g., plumber in [location]), whereas it could take years to rank a new website for, let's say, the term "laptops."
  • Should I Do SEO, Run PPC Ads, or Both?
    Especially for smaller businesses, budget is often a challenge, and resources must be allocated efficiently. Funds aren't endless. Even in this instance, it's essential to balance a long-term SEO strategy with a small but targeted PPC campaign.
  • What Is the Difference Between On-Page SEO and Technical SEO?
    On-page SEO covers your page's content, meta tags, images, and the like. Think of these as the page elements that are visible to users. Off-page optimization refers to the technique that can be used to improve the position of a website on a search engine results page.
  • What’s the difference between Organic and Paid traffic?
    Organic = free results delivered by search engines based upon their individual algorithms. Paid = where businesses pay/bid for their links to appear at the top of the search engines.
  • How do you pick the keywords to be targeted?
    We look at a range of different things when researching keywords for any new client as well as continually adapting it as we progress through the campaign – if your site has been live for a while and with analytics, we look at the terms that you have recorded traffic against. We also use a keyword planner to find competitive terms within your industry, look at your competitors to see what phrases they are targeting, and discuss with you the terms you see the as high value.
  • When I check my rankings, I’m showing much higher than you’re reporting ….?
    When you’re checking your rankings it’s always good to go into incognito (in Chrome) or private browsing (in internet explorer) mode whether on your phone, tablet, or desktop. The reason for this is when you make search cookies collected by your web browser (which store your user-specific information) are looked at by search engines alongside their historical use data to learn your preferences which can influence the results that are displayed to you. I.e. if you continuously go on your website in the same browser non-incognito the search engine will be more likely to rank that page higher as it knows you frequently visit there. Also, we’d recommend you have a play around with the search tools setting while in incognito, here you can change your search location – so if you know your visitors are more likely to be searchers within your area, change the search tools location setting to mimic this.
  • My competitors always rank above me why is this?
    : If you have a particular competitor you are using as a benchmark for your rankings for a particular term then let us know, this way we can take a look at their complete online profile and adjust our strategy appropriately. Sometimes it’s simply down to the age of the domain, other times it can be down to metadata, the content on their particular landing page, a number of backlinks – there’s a huge number of things that Google (and other search engines) look at to determine where sites rank so it’s about identifying the areas where your site is performing weaker than those above you.
  • How does link building work?
    Once we’ve made your site the best it can be, like-minded websites (and users) will begin to recognize the value it provides. As they find the information on your site useful, they are likely to link to this content in the form of a blog post, a share on social media, and email to a friend, or even on a page within their own website. All of these links hold a certain level of “electricity”. Websites with a higher Page Rank send a higher level of this electricity to Google. This creates a surge of voltage telling Google that your site is really useful, informative, valuable, helpful, etc. This link electricity is powerful. The hard work involved in attaining these links is where we step in. Q: How will I know it’s working? Ans: Fortunately, Google Analytics provides us with a very clear platform for proving results. You’ll be seeing lots of metrics that we’ll benchmark and go over frequently with plenty of time for your questions. But it’s really important to remember that changes made on a website today might not get results right away, and link building the right way, through creating relationships, takes time. A good SEO campaign requires patience and a willingness to keep your expectation in line with what’s possible. (Express this to your clients in the beginning! Sorry for yelling, but the truth is that many clients just don’t get this, and they need to. Remind them that they hired an entire company of professionals and we know what we’re doing.) Q: What is local Seo? Ans: Local SEO (Local Search Engine Optimization) refers to SEO that is localized to a specific geographical area. It has a specific geographical component on which it does business. The target of Local Search Engine Optimization is to get into the local listing packs. Local searchers are people who are actively looking for particular products or services at a specific location. For example, if a person at Noida looking for the best hotels to stay in and he/she searched “Best hotel to stay at Noida” on google, the results will show a number of hotels in Noida location and nearer to that location.
  • What is Organic Seo?
    Organic SEO (Organic Search Engine Optimization) refers to SEO which grows and expands quickly over time like an organism. It does not necessarily have a specific geographical component on which it does business. The target of Organic Search Engine Optimization is to rank as high as it can for a specific set of keywords. Organic SEO is improved when people get the required information from the respective websites, articles, blogs, etc. For example, if a person just searched “Best places to travel/visit”, here best places of the state, country, and maybe the best places of the whole world will be displayed as the search is not specific to a particular location.
  • How is your SEO service unique to those offered by other agencies?
    From the start, our SEO professionals will perform a deep analysis of your business to understand the market you’re competing in and the specific practices your competitors engage in online. We choose the keywords for your campaign, the structure of your website, and the channels we focus on for off-page optimization based on the results of this analysis. Our research-oriented method ensures that results are consistently achieved rather than taking a “one-size-fits-all” approach. You can expect your SEO campaign to be a long-term investment, often requiring 3–6 months before seeing a return. What sets us apart from the competition is the long-term results we achieve. Instead of getting your name ranked and then subsequently losing it, we work to establish your brand as an authority, encouraging search engines to consistently feature your pages at the top of the results.
  • How do Perrennials charge for SEO services?
    Each campaign is different. Two companies of similar size in similar industries are still going to have vastly different approaches to achieve similar results. We strive to personalize each campaign to the unique objectives and challenges our clients face in getting their website ranked in the search results provided by the major search engines. We can provide your business with a custom quote that outlines the costs, the time commitment from Perennials, and when your brand will begin seeing the results of our hard work and dedication to your SEO campaign.
  • How do I know if I am the right fit for Perrennials SEO services?
    If you’re looking to increase your organic traffic and have a lasting impact from your most competitive keywords, Perrennials is right for you. Search engine optimization requires long-term commitment and effort to make it work and to make those results last. Some SEO companies opt to use short-term strategies to get a high placement for a quick fee, but in nearly all of these cases, the placements don't last. As major search engines adjust their algorithms to combat link schemes, these strategies don’t create lasting results and end up creating more of a headache for clients. We focus on building for the long term.
  • What is your SEO approach?
    Our SEO approach calls for segmenting organic search traffic/queries, and therefore website engagement, into 1 of 4 buckets, Google calls these query categories "micro-moments:" "I want to know" "I want to go" "I want to do" "I want to buy" We leverage industry trends and insights on the search behavior from these micro-moments to guide on-page optimization strategy for relevant pages, build funnels, and segment users to appropriate landing pages that are hyper-relevant to their query.    As an example, for an eCommerce client, our keyword research and focus may center around "I want to buy" intent/queries. As a result, we would optimize intent/action-based pages (product pages) around purchase-related keyword queries and topics to best serve the user and improve relevance with Google.    From each query, we can extrapolate intent. Furthermore, each page should serve a very specific function and play a unique role in the user's buyer's journey whether they are in the awareness, consideration, or decision stage.    A homepage, as another example, is typically serving branded/reputation-based keyword queries and search intent, and aligns with the decision stage of the buyer's journey.   A blog post, for example, serves education-based keyword queries and search intent, and aligns with the awareness and consideration stages of the buyer's journey.    We work to understand how we can best position the website to serve users with relevant content at the optimal stage of their journey, identify what KPIs should we be measuring to demonstrate increased engagement, and focus on how can we improve performance over time.
  • What does a typical SEO growth journey look like?
    The Beginning (0-6 months):  The first 6 months of any SEO effort are almost always exclusively dedicated to fixing mistakes, fine-tuning, and closing the gap between what your website has in place and current SEO best practices. Once completed, these efforts can have ongoing and compounding benefits for years to come. The newly accessible and optimized pages start earning rankings and traffic, which foster more links, more exposure, more sharing, and more business.  The Turning Point (6-18 months): Eventually, the list of actionable, immediate fixes, and optimizations depletes. At this point, your website will hit an "SEO Plateau." In order to reach the next growth plateau (between campaign months 6-18), you must invest in new strategies, such as:  New Keywords & Content New Verticals & SERP (Search Engine Results Page) Features Additional SERP Domination Moving Up the Buyer Funnel International/Multi-Language Targeting.
  • What is the difference between Local SEO and general SEO?
    Local SEO is a hyper-specific tactic that focuses on optimizing your website to achieve local search rankings by ensuring that your business is properly represented on review sites like Yelp, City Search, Kudzu, and others. Your Local SEO Expert focuses on making sure that your NAP (Name, Address, and Phone Number) is correct and consistent across these listings so Google indexes your business information and website appropriately. SEO as a broader practice focuses on optimizing your content – your blog and your website content, in general – to ensure it’s fresh, accurate, and interesting for search engines.
  • What sort of businesses do you work with?
    Digital Marketing Agency works with businesses large and small. We connect each project with the right professionals who have ample experience working on companies at each scale and specialization. This ensures that the right people are working on each project. Whether you’re a small business looking to reach your local audience or a large, multinational brand looking to launch a new product in numerous markets, we have digital marketing experts who have the experience and passion required to make your marketing campaign a success.
  • Do you offer ongoing marketing contracts or relationships?
    Some marketing companies do work on spec. Others do contract work or create ongoing relationships with their clients. Then, there are marketing agencies that offer both. You can see why your clients may be confused or want to know what options they have. Use this question to explain exactly how you work with clients and what kind of terms you offer, including if you do one-off jobs and what the terms of your contracts are.  You can also use this area to link to your page that talks about contracts or creating a relationship so that people can get more information if they want it. 
  • What kind of marketing efforts do you specialize in?
    Not all marketing agencies handle all kinds of marketing. Therefore, you’ll want to list the services that you provide for your audience here. You can link to service pages, too, and talk about how you can help them create a custom solution that suits their needs. There are a lot of different topics you can cover here, but it’s about being transparent and providing people with as much information as possible about what you can do for them. Transparency is almost as important as the actual details for the modern consumer. 
  • Do you have a portfolio or samples of your past campaigns or client work?
    Marketing is a field where people often want to see proof of results. Fortunately, you’ve probably done lots of work in the past that you can show off to help them see what you’re capable of. You can link to your portfolio page here, or even provide links to some of the businesses and brands you’ve helped in the past. Showcase as much as you can so that you can give people an idea of what you can do for them.  You can talk about your experience all day long, but there are some instances where you just need to show people the deliverables and let them see what you can do, rather than just hear about it. The more you offer, the more they will be able to see what you can do. 
  • What is video marketing and why do I need it?
    Today, video marketing is becoming a leading source of Internet traffic, as you know. And yet, most brands still haven’t gotten on board with an effective video marketing strategy. You need to explain to them how valuable that can be to their brand and pitch your services here if you offer them so that you can drum up business and show people that you have their success in mind at all times.  Explain what video marketing is and how people can use it, including YouTube, Facebook, and other video resources that can help with branding and relationship building, and encourage people to get started sooner than later. It gives you credibility and leads all at once. 
  • How do you measure the results of your marketing efforts?
    Marketing isn’t something that you can just do. It has to be measured and monitored to ensure that campaigns are working. Therefore, your clients are going to want to know how you do that. Be transparent and explain as much as you can hear about how you monitor your marketing campaigns and provide results for people. This will give them valuable insight while also allowing them to build trust in your agency’s ability to handle their marketing needs. 
  • Who is responsible for creating the content your agency provides?
    If your marketing agency outsources writing or other content creation, you’ll want to disclose that to your potential clients. After all, if they are working with you, they expect your agency to do the work. If they find out later that you actually hire contract writers to do the job, they could be upset or feel like you lied to them. Explain the entire process of marketing with your agency and who does the work, including how many people are involved in the process.  Note: There is nothing wrong with outsourcing, but you need to let clients know what to expect. 
  • How much involvement is required from the business?
    Some companies want to be involved in every step of the marketing process. Others want you to handle it all for them and just let them know when it’s done. Therefore, you’ll want to advise as to how you usually handle your projects, including how much involvement you want from the client. If you leave it up to the client, explain that here. If you need the client at certain phases, but the selling point is that you handle it all for them, this is also the place to explain that because it will show people that you have their best intentions in mind. 
  • Does my business really need digital marketing?
    No matter how much data is out there and no matter how much success other brands have, there are still some companies that want to question whether they need digital marketing or not. This is your chance to reiterate the value of a solid digital marketing strategy and give people plenty of reasons why they should choose you to help launch their efforts in the best way possible. Reassure people that without digital marketing, they don’t stand a chance in the modern world of business, and that you can help them avoid getting lost in the shuffle.  This is a question that’s more about showcasing your expertise and building confidence in people, and it’s one that can do a lot for your branding. 
  • What is your expertise and experience in marketing? 
    This is another important question that clients want to know. You don’t have to list every job you’ve ever done, by any means, but this is a great place to explain what kind of experience your agency has with marketing, including digital marketing and other services. You can do this by telling people which areas you offer services for, showcase how much experience you have with each different type of marketing, and more. Showing off your skills allows your audience to assess whether you can deliver what they need. Plus, it allows you to build credibility and solidify your reputation in the marketing industry. 
  • What is your pricing model or how do you charge for services?
    This is always a big question that a lot of businesses want to avoid. However, it’s one that your clients want answers to, so provide them the best that you can. As part of your FAQ page, include a question like this that explains the pricing and fees related to your services. People today want to work with transparent companies that have no qualms about explaining everything upfront. Even if you do custom pricing for each client, this is the place to list that. Provide as much detail as you can about your costs and the way that you determine rates so that your audience gets the answers that they need. 
  • What does your new client onboarding process consist of?
    Our onboarding process is purpose-built to ensure a smooth transition between sales, finance, and production. An easy and seamless client experience in this transition is of paramount importance. Our process involves finalizing contracts, connecting with accounting, assigning dedicated strategists, and conducting thorough kick-off meetings.  Finalizing Contracts: Upon receiving a signed SOW, your New Business Strategist at Digitopia will connect with the CEO of our company to review the contract, countersign the agreement, and send it back to you for your records. Accounting: Within 72 hours of receiving a signed SOW, our Accounting Department will be in touch with a request for an initial payment.  Dedicated Strategist: For multi-service clients, you will be assigned a dedicated Account Strategist as your main point of contact. Unlike the typical "overloaded Account Manager," your strategist only leads a handful of clients. This allows each strategist the time needed to immerse themselves completely in your brand. Your strategist will act as a seamless extension of your internal team. Initial Audit & Kickoff Meeting: Prior to the client kickoff meeting, the team will have requested access to all necessary platforms and reporting tools, which will be used to perform an initial audit of all relevant systems and past marketing activities. Your account team will come prepared for the workshop-style kickoff meeting (3-6 hours) with additional questions and recommendations on how to prioritize your digital marketing opportunities. In this meeting, all stakeholders will review a detailed project/service timeline as well as examples of deliverables that will be developed within the first 8 weeks. Additionally, we'll work through a series of discovery and planning exercises that span subjects such as: sales process and performance, marketing goals and current performance, market segmentation, buyer personas, content marketing, advertising channels, and more.
  • What kind of reports will I receive?
    We build live, web-based reporting dashboards that act as a single client portal from which all of your digital marketing analytics are reported, giving you 24/7 access to campaign performance and total clarity. Additionally, weekly analytics analysis is conducted by your dedicated strategist, and monthly reporting review calls are provided. Most importantly, we provide an executive analytics layer to our reports so that key growth metrics are not glossed over.
  • How often will I receive updates on my account?
    Along with daily, as-needed communication, we will establish a standing weekly meeting with you and your key stakeholders. This allows us to set expectations for weekly tasks, deliver incremental reports, and make quick decisions regarding timely needs. Note: Once-a-month standing meetings may also be established based on your communication preference. 
  • What should my digital marketing budget be?
    This is a very complex question that demands a thorough answer.  But, before we provide marketing budget recommendations, let's define it: Your marketing budget refers to all costs for marketing, advertising, public relations, event marketing, and anything else you might leverage to promote the brand and drive revenue. Based on the latest research, our expert opinions, and years of marketing experience, we, generally, recommend. You should spend 2 to 5 percent of your sales revenue on marketing. The U.S. Small Business Administration recommends spending 7 to 8 percent of your gross revenue if you're garnering less than $5 million a year in sales and your net profit margin—after all expenses—is in the 10 percent to 12 percent range. For new companies (startups), especially those in competitive markets, these numbers increase to 12 to 20 percent. For established companies, you should be spending 6 to 12 percent of gross revenue on marketing. What about digital marketing-specific budgets?  According to Forrester Research Inc., most industries such as design and media, transportation, retail, health and beauty, real estate, information technology, agriculture and environment, and building and construction dedicate 50 to 65 percent of their overall marketing budget to digital marketing specifically.   When working with Digitopia, if you haven't already defined an annual marketing budget, we will build one with you collaboratively. This budget will be derived from real, meaningful, benchmark data that we plug into a business math formula to determine your COCA (Cost of Customer Acquisition). Some example metrics within the formula include:  Monthly Website Visits Visit-to-Lead Conversion/Sale Percentage Lead-to-Opportunity Conversion Percentage Opportunity-to Customer Conversion Percentage Average Initial Order/Contract Value (IOV) Average Lifetime Value (LTV) From here, we can begin to determine necessary, profitable budgets based on your goals and benchmark data, and begin to project marketing ROI as well.
  • Can you provide relevant and current benchmark data for peers/competitors?
    Yes, exhaustive competitor analysis and benchmark report is a mandatory initiative/service for all new client programs. We leverage best-in-class tools like Google Analytics, Google Trends, Ahref, SEM Rush, Raven Tools, Moz, Screaming Frog, Majestic, Sprout Social, Spyfu, Search Metrics, and more to deliver comprehensive peer analysis, audit reports, forecasting, and future strategy planning.
  • What types of clients do you work with?
    We work primarily with B2B clientele, with anywhere from 1 - 50 employees, producing 100k - 1M in annual revenue, that have a considered sales cycle, and a dedicated inside sales team that needs a high volume of qualified leads.  We work primarily in industries such as: manufacturing, finance, professional services, software, and technology. 
  • Do you work with clients who are out of state or in another country?
    Yes, we work with clients all across the US and beyond.

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